12 Birthstones Gemstone & Meaning

In this article, we will be discussing the meaning of birthstone, its role in gemstone or jewelry and the most popular birthstones.

The idea of a birthstone comes from ancient times. It is believed that people used to wear stones on their body to ward off evil spirits. As time passed, they started wearing jewelry made of gemstones instead. In addition to this, they also started associating certain gemstones with certain months and seasons.

In today’s world, many people are still wearing jewelry with a birthstone as part of it. Birthstones are an important part of jewelry culture as they can enhance the beauty and charm of any piece

This list of birthstones is designed to help you look for the perfect gift for someone with a specific month birthstone. Each stone's history, meaning and other relevant details are provided.

January - Garnet

Garnet is a gemstone that has a deep-red color with dark, inclusions of various colors. It is popular as a jewelry gemstone like bracelet ,necklace, earrings, rings etc , and it comes from the arid regions of Siberia.

Its name comes from the Latin word for "garnet" which means "little chestnut."

A garnet is a semiprecious gemstone with a Mohs hardness of 6 to 7. It is also a type of layered crystal structure. There are three main types of garnets: pyrope, almandite, and spessartite.

Click here to find garneet gemstone jewelry like bracelet ,necklace, earrings, rings etc .

February - Amethyst

Amethyst is the February birthstone. It is a purple gemstone that comes in a variety of colors, including lilac, lavender, and light gray. The gemstone was discovered in the United States in 1878 and was named after Mount Amethyst, which is located in the Ural Mountains of Russia.

The amethyst has been used for centuries as a spiritual stone due to its calming qualities and its association with balance. Ancient Greeks believed it had healing powers and could be used to alleviate anxiety.

Click here to find Amethyst gemstone jewelry like bracelet ,necklace, earrings, rings etc .

March - Emerald

Emeralds are one of the most popular gemstones in the world. They have a rich history and they have been used as jewelry items for centuries.

Emeralds are sometimes called the "Crown Jewel of Gemstones." They are popular in jewelry, gems and even greenhouses. Emeralds come in a variety of colors such as emerald, jadeite, and tsavorite. Emerald is a beautiful gemstone that has a variety of colors, including green, brown, yellow, blue and violet. It is the birthstone for people born in March.

Click here to find Emerald gems gemstone jewelry like bracelet ,necklace, earrings, rings etc .

Emeralds are known to be helpful for mental health and emotional stability. They can help with stress, anxiety and depression. Emeralds are also associated with protection from evil spirits and dark forces.

April - Aquamarine

Aquamarine is the birthstone for April. It is a gemstone that has been mined in Brazil since ancient times. Aquamarine has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. It has a hardness that is just below diamond, but slightly harder than quartz. Aquamarine's color ranges from light green to blue-green, with its most popular colors being shades of topaz.

Aquamarine can be found in most parts of the world, though it is typically mined in Brazil, Afghanistan, and Zambia.

Aquamarine is the traditional birthstone for those born in April.

Click here to find Aquamarine gemstone jewelry like bracelet ,necklace, earrings, rings etc .

May - Diamond

Diamonds are the hardest and most valuable gemstone on Earth. The value of a diamond is determined by its weight and the number of carats it contains. Diamonds can be found in several colors, including blue, yellow, green and white.

Diamonds are a symbol of love, commitment, and loyalty. They are often given to celebrate an anniversary or as a betrothal ring. They are also used in jewelry, vases, and other decorative objects.

hey are also a symbol of beauty and elegance. Diamonds are considered as a girl’s best friend because they can be found in many different colors and shapes but the most popular is the round brilliant cut.

The diamond is made up of all these qualities which makes it an ideal choice for any woman who wants to celebrate her love with diamonds.

June gemstone - Ruby

The Ruby is a gemstone that can be found in a variety of colors, ranging from red to violet. It is the birthstone for the month of June.

Ruby is the birthstone for June. The gemstone is found in a variety of colors, including red, violet and orange, and it has been popular since ancient times. It is also believed to have healing properties that may help with blood circulation and improve eyesight.

July - Peridot

Peridot is a stone that is typically green with a yellow-green hue. It has been found in many places throughout the world, including Brazil, Madagascar, and Australia. It was first discovered in 1878 in the United States.

Peridot is a stone that comes from olivine and pyroxene minerals. The color of the stone comes from chromium oxide.

It is known to be an effective healer and can be used for healing purposes as well as to boost mental clarity and support during difficult times.

August - Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a gemstone, which is a type of borosilicate quartz. Tourmaline's chemical composition is largely silicon dioxide and it's crystalline form is triclinic. It has a hardness of 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale and a refractive index value of 2.69-2.72. Some other common tourmalines are green tourmalines

Tourmaline is the name given to a complex silicate mineral that exhibits multi-colored inclusions, with the most common colors being green, brown and red.

Tourmaline gemstone jewelry like bracelet ,necklace, earrings, rings etc .

The term "tourmaline" includes the complete group of minerals that crystallize in the hexagonal crystal system known as the "rock crystal system". These minerals are largely translucent and have a high birefringence,

September - Sapphire

Sapphire is a gemstone that is typically blue.

Sapphire is an opaque gemstone, meaning that it does not show a color change when viewed from different angles. It is the second hardest material in the world and was once thought to be an indestructible gemstone.

The September birthstone has been associated with many different things throughout history, including: strength, determination, loyalty, love and justice.

Sapphire gemstone jewelry like bracelet ,necklace, earrings, rings etc .

October - Opal

October is the month of the Opal gemstone. It is a birthstone for those born in October, and it is also considered an astrological stone. Opel Gemstone is a stone that was discovered in the Opel mine near Opel, Germany. It is a type of agate that has gem quality, meaning it can have beautiful colors and patterns in its composition. Opal crystals are beautiful stones that are associated with spiritual healing and protection. They have a calming effect on people and help them to focus on what they need to do.

Opals are found in many places around the world, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Namibia and South Africa.

find Opal gemstone jewelry like bracelet ,necklace, earrings, rings etc .

November - Citrine

This gemstone is one of the most popular gemstones in the world. It is also known as the November stone because it is believed to bring good luck for those born in November.

The Citrine gemstone has a variety of colors, from yellow to orange to red and brown. The Citrine gemstone can be found in many places including Brazil, Afghanistan, India and Madagascar.

The Citrine gemstone was first discovered in ancient Roman times by a group of miners who were looking for the Chalcedony stone.

Citrine gemstone jewelry like bracelet ,necklace, earrings, rings etc .

December - Topaz

Topaz is a gemstone that is primarily found in Brazil and Madagascar. It is composed of silicon dioxide and aluminum oxide, making it a silicate mineral. It has an eye-catching array of colors including yellow, orange, red, green, blue, purple and brown. find Topaz gemstone jewelry like bracelet ,necklace, earrings, rings etc