What Is Amber-

Amber is made up of a variety of organic materials and can contain plant materials, insects, spiders, feathers, and other animals. Amber is fossilized tree resin. It is usually found in the form of yellow or orange, translucent pieces with a waxy luster. Amber gemstones are often made of fossilized resin from trees. They are usually yellow, orange, or brown in color. Amber is one of the few gemstones that can be cleaned with plain warm water and a soft cloth and rubbed with olive oil. Leave it in the sun or in a warm airing cupboard to recharge it for another day. Amber stones have a long history of being used for jewelry and decoration, dating back to the Stone Age.

Amber gemstones have a hardness of 2-4 on the Mohs scale, which is lower than most other types of gemstones. Amber gemstones have low clarity because they contain many impurities such as plant resins, oils, and waxes. amber” comes from the Arabic word "Ambar", which means "to emit light". The Latin word "electrum" also means "to emit light".


 Amber Gemstone's History and Evolution-

Amber was first mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History book from 77 AD. He said that it was called "electrum" by the Greeks and that it had been found near Athens. He also wrote about how it had been brought to Rome during Nero's reign for use as a decorative stone. During the Middle Ages, amber continued to be valued for its decorative qualities, but it also became important.


Amber Stone's Healing Properties & Benefits for Your Health-

Amber Stone is a beautiful gemstone that has been used in jewelry for centuries. It has also been used to create other things like amulets and talismans. Amber Stone is usually yellow-orange in color and is often found near the Baltic Sea. The healing properties of Amber Stone are said to be powerful, but they vary depending on the type of stone that you have. Some people say that it can help with anxiety, depression, and insomnia while others claim that it can boost self-confidence, improve mental clarity, and relieve stress.


The Meaning of Amber in Culture and Religion-

Amber is one of the oldest gemstones known to humans. Amber has been used throughout history for jewelry and decoration, as well as in religious practices. Amber’s color and hardness are what make it so valuable. Amber can come in many different colors, but the most prized are shades of orange or yellow because they have a higher chance of containing insects or other organisms inside them when they form. In ancient times, Amber was believed to be the tears of gods or angels turned into stone by divine intervention. I

The Amber has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy. It is considered to have therapeutic properties. In this section, we will explore the healing properties of amber and its uses in different cultures around the world.


 The Different Types of Amber Stones and Where They're Found-

Amber is a fossilized tree resin that has been used for years in various ways.

Amber can be divided into four types: copal, succinite, resinite, and blenite.

1. Copal is the most common type of amber and it is usually found in tropical climates. 

2. Succinite is a type of amber that can be found in colder climates like Europe.

3. Resinite is a rare type of amber that has been found in the southern United States, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and Lebanon.

4. Lastly, blenite is a type of amber that comes from the Dominican Republic and it's usually black or dark brown in color. 


The color of the amber depends on what type of tree it came from. On average, amber contains 25% succinic acid which has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.


Different Types of Amber Stone Available in the Market-

White Amber Stone: This type of amber stone is found in various places such as Burma, Russia, Poland, and the Baltic region.

Red Amber Stone: This type of amber stone is found in Burma, Russia, and Poland.

Black Amber Stone: This type of amber stone is found in Burma and Russia.

Yellow Amber Stone: This type of amber stone is found in Russia and Poland.

Blue Amber Stone: This type of amber stone is found in Burma, Russia, and Poland.

The most valuable amber is Burmese amber, as it’s the oldest known to man and is generally much richer in color. Yellow amber is the most affordable, with golden amber fetching higher prices. Amber that has reddish tones is the most valuable, as it’s believed to be much older. However, oxidation may cause the stone’s color to change over time too.

Interestingly, each region where amber is found represents a different era of the planet’s geological past.

It’s estimated that amber from the Dominican Republic is between 16 and 20 million years old. Baltic amber, which typically includes flies, ants, and lizards, is approximately 40 million years old. Amber has been found throughout the world, but the largest and most significant deposits occur along the shores of the Baltic Sea in sands 40,000,000 to 60,000,000 years old. Burmese amber from Myanmar is roughly 100 million years old. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest piece of amber ever found weighs 33 pounds and 10 ounces. It is kept at the Natural History Museum in London. Amber was also used as a medicine during the Middle Ages, but it was not until the 19th century that its medicinal properties were discovered and it became widely used as a treatment for diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism.

Amber is a molecular-level reconstruction of the history of life on Earth. It can be used to study evolution and biodiversity in the past, present, and future. Amber has been used to make inferences about how ancient organisms interact with one another and their environments.